This last weekend (Sept. 17-18) a number of Texas coaches had the privledge of getting to work with Australian coaching legend Bob Dwyer. Dwyer, who won the 1991 World Cup with the Wallabies, presented his style of running rugby to those in attendance. Dwyer is a humerous and engaging speaker and had his audience paying close attention throughout the two-day clinic.
Dwyer emphasized the utilization of proper technique in pressure situations, claiming this it is the key to playing successful rugby. He discussed the point that players will take poor options (rugby is a game of mistakes), but proper technique guards against those poor options. "Give it a crack, and if it doesn't work, then keep giving it a crack. As long as you are using proper technique, there are no bad options," said Dwyer.
Mike Penistone, a Leicester coaching legend, was also part of the clinic and discussed the importance of properly structured practice. According to Penistone, a practice consists of three elements: 1)Teaching technique, 2) Applying that technique under pressure, 3) Applying the technique in a game situation. Penistone demonstrated a number of drills and games which illustrated his concepts. Like Dwyer, Penistone was entertaining and spent a great deal of one-on-one time with each of the coaches answering questions which was invaluable.
Aggie Coach Mills, Bob Dwyer, and Coach Jim Wolfinger |
Both coaches underscored the importance of creating space and using space once it is created. Dwyer feels closer spacing and quicker ball movement is a key element in creating space. He also discussed the importance of staying away from static play in contact and the need for teams to devoid themselves of the stop-start game. Another element of this philosophy was the stress on a narrow attack in order to concentrate the defense while then attacking the space created. Once this has been accomplished ball carriers must be properly supported and the team must constantly realign.
This was a brilliant weekend and well-worth the time spent. Kudos go out to Dave McPhail (President of TRU) and the Woodlands RFC for putting on such a first-class event. Bringing in such quality coaches is a testiment to the committment of the TRU in raising the level of coaching throughout Texas.